Totally present, completely calm. The cheetah, that is. I don't know what that cat's name is, but Renee makes other wild animals feel safe & loved. This is exactly her, my beloved girl Renee. She has a serious side that zooms in & gets real quiet. The rest of the time, she makes us all feel like silly kittens. (She's in Kenya with Project Hope)
Does she look familiar? You may have seen her in the movie Ray as one of the Raylettes. Or featured in a commercial encouraging women to vote. Renee's a New Orleans native, & she spent a week with us right after Hurricane Katrina hit, watching the screens constantly while working the phones, her head spinning with projects & ideas that would help make things right. One of them: Crepe Covered Sidewalks, a documentary. You've got to click on it. And see. And donate. Her site.
One of my sisters got married today, to one of our dearest friends. Both of them, joyful, conscious, talented, ambitious, & powerful. Both of them ridiculously playful, uniquely beautiful, brilliant, clear & committed to making a difference. Yogis, foodies, an activist & a social entrepreneur. These are the kinds of friends you hope get married.
Aaron & Renee
We are so happy for you guys. We were with you the whole day (didn't you know that?) We were that plane you saw! Thank you for being friends we can really count on, in the ways that matter most to us. Which is to say, thank you for always growing, for being unpredictable & fresh, up to new things with new things to say. Thank you for following your passions, loving openly, being authentic & transparent. No, Aaron, you don't get to be a monk in this life. I'm glad for it, because you are the ever-confident seer with the foul mouth & wicked sense of humor. Perfect for you Renee. You don't waste time with people who aren't spot-on, & you expect laughter with such sweet loveyness. You deserve all of it. Thank you both for not being needy, but folks who take care of themselves, while still sharing what's true & sourcing your community. Thank you for living your dreams, giving back & being a celebration.
And now you're married!! It just gets exponential from here! Yay!!
We love you.
M & D & Your 3 Nephews
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