someone very nice left us a beautiful old pair of levi 501's this past year, & without a crumb trail for it's safe return. i so covet that worn hem line. i remember the day i first learned to order my clients hems, "with original finish;" it felt like i was let into some secret stylist's society. what a treat those days were, one brilliant little trick after another, all to the the soundtrack of kruder dorfmeister, madonna's music, u2 & the beatles.
i love the way these giant bells look around little fresh-bathed toes, making them all the more teeny-tiny. we just took his everyday pants & placed their hems right over the 501 hems & traced, doubling the bottom width. a 1/4" seam allowance was added, along with a little corduroy pocket for a few seeds or these wooden baby loons that live all over the house. then we made a 3/4 " casing at the top with 3/4" elastic.
now someone just needs to leave me a pair of x-large men's jeans so i can have a pair, too.
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