set up by farmer annie, jammaker jen + the kids culling apples for juice + cider organic farming = layered ecosystems, building habitats for pest predators snack time :: dried apricots, cherry tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, melon field workers getting to know heirloom berries by taste, size apples, once-pressed by the children zach, firefighter, farm-boy picking his lunch midwives for our entire country's produce (muchas gracias, sweet madre!!) a chair, a shingled porch after an honest day. what more do we really need? I have a 3-inch binder packed with eloquent, heart-melting letters & delicious recipes from Jeff & Annie Main, purveyors of Good Humus Produce. We just met on their property for the first time: those letters are 2-page bits they deliver to all of their farm members, & came in our weekly CSA-treasure boxes for several years. I adore the farmer's market & co-op, so we stopped getting the boxes, but I have missed the perspective on those sheets. Yellowed & broth-stained, they have been a constant source of grounding & consciousness for our family for about 9 years. Annie is the original authentic blogger in my mind. I have memorized quotes from her inquiries regarding true community/individual sustainability & been jaw-dropped at an organic farmer's actual wages. (Yes, we need to pay our teachers more. But farmers. They are the invisible heroes in this world.) She taught me how to gratin kohlrabi, how to prep dark greens & passed me a favorite soup of thin onions, coconut milk, peas & cilantro. She doesn't know any of this. But I can actually feel my heart swelling with gratitude. Once Jeff gave a nail-biting account of the morning's delivery when the area had been flooded. As he recounted the condition of their van & his calculations of what was needing to be delivered & the impact of if he didn't make it, or even make it home at all (!) brought to mind the mailman's creed. Not Wind Nor Rain Nor Sleet or Snow... We had a chance to spend a couple of days with them, their jam maker Jen & their son Zachary. It was nothing less than epic. The kids ran scavenger hunts looking for treasures - like water, compost/soil, habitat & insects before doing skits right there in the orchards. They made connections about the systems of the farm while weeding,trimming, making ice cream, compost piles, pressed apple juice, garden stones & dinner from produce they picked themselves. My son, who hates peppers came out of the field chewing a long, neon-red chili pepper that turned out to be bright & sweet. Before leaving, they found their new "class pet:" Tiger Eye, the biggest, prettiest caterpillar I have ever seen. Big, like, oh, 3/4" thick & 7 inches long with a red horn on it's acid-green bum. Apparently they eat tomato crops, so they must go. And so must I go to sleep. But the best part of trip was just...Oh, the best...
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